Language and Linguistics

A. Language 
1. Definitions Of Language
Language has been defined many linguists. One of them is Finocchiaro (1974:3) say that language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols which permits all people in a given culture or other people who have learned the system of that culture, to communicate or to interact.
2. Characteristics of language
According to A.A.Hill (1958:3-8), language has the following defining characteristic.
First, language is a set of sound.This is perhaps the least important characteristic, since the communication of mammals and birds is also a set of sounds.
Second, the connection between the sounds, or sequences of sounds, and objects of the outside worldis arbitrary and unpredictable.
Third, language is systematic. As in any system, language entities are arranged in recurrent design, so that if a part of the designs seen, predictions can be made about the whole of it, as a triangle can be drawn if one side and two angles are given.
Fourth, language is a symbols. That is to say, language has meaning. In this form the statement is a platitude and does not distinguish language from other activities which are also symbolic.
Fifth, language is complete. By this is meant that whenever a human language has been accurately observed, it has been found to be so elaborated that is speakers can make a linguistic response to any experience they may undergo.
3. Function of language
The main function of language is as a means of communication. According to G. Leech (1974:67-68), we can differentiate five function of language. They are :
a. Informational function :  conveying information
b. Expressive function            : expressing the speaker’s or writer’s feelings or attitudes
c. Directive function : directing or influencing the behavior or attitudes of  others
d. Aesthetic function  : creating an aesthetic effect
e. Phatic function : maintaining social bonds
B. Linguistics
1. Definitions Of Linguistics
Linguistics has also been defined by many linguists. According to Hartman and Stock (1972:132) linguistics is the field of the subject of which is language. Linguists study language as man’s ability to communicate, as individual expression, as the common heritage of a speech community, as spoken sound, as written text, etc.
2. The scientific features of linguistics
According to W.N. Francis (15-:7) linguistics as the scientific study of language must conform to the following requirements :
a. Linguistics must have a subject matter.
b. Linguistics produces careful objective description.
c. Linguistics makes generalization.
d. Linguistics makes predictions.
e. Linguistics examine the outcomes of its predictions and in the light of their success or failure, corroborates or revises its generalization.
3. Aspect Of Linguistic.
Linguistics has two aspects, they are :
a. Synchronic. Synchronic means “dealing with the state of affairs at a given point of time.” It takes no account of history, in other word.
b. Diachronic. Diachronic means “dealing with changes that occur in time.” History is its material.
c. Comparative                     
d. Structural. This distinction between synchronic and diachronic linguists is very important because many mistakes and fallacies result from overlooking it.
4. Branches Of Structural Linguistics.
According to Francis (1958:27) there are four branches be recognize. They are follow :
a. Phonetics : whose subject matter is sound features or qualities and their organization into speech sound or phones.
b. Phonemics : whose subject matter is the organization of phones into of groups or families, called phonemes, whose members are the significant sounds speech.
c. Morphemic : whose subject matter is the organization of phonemes into meaningful groups called morphs.
d. Grammar : whose subject matter is the organization of words into various combinations, often representing many layers of structure, such as phrases, sentences, and complete utterances.

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